The Hapipopo Project                                                     
My 1st animation short project that me and two of my dear freinds make in 3 weeks time.
This is our first ever project when we study 2d animation together back to 2018.
This one, we do it traditionaly, pen and paper and maximum effort. It's feel so cool when you gotta feel every drawing, through your hand onto your heart and mind. We were very excited and having so much fun doing this. We sure wasted alot of paper though :))
My freind intrust me with leader role on this one, so I help build the first storyboard, layout, some of character design. 
After that, we have discussions to help reshape the story more close to what we intend at first.
Then we Split scenes to each other to animate.
Here is my part.
After we do our best with the limited timeline, I help edit the short, connect them alltogether.
Here is what it is.
Lovely memories we have when this happened ^^ 
Hapipopo Project

Hapipopo Project


Creative Fields