Written Critique

1. How did your opinion of these pictures change when you saw them in a gallery?
Seeing your pictures on the camera or on a computer is one thing. But seeing them printed out, framed, and put on display for everyone to see, makes you appreciate the picture way more.

2. What comments by visitors surprised you?
I didn't have too many people comment anything super crazy, but one couple did catch my attention when they mentioned that, one of their kids played baseball and one played ukulele. I believe that connection helped them appreciate the pictures just a little more.

3. How long did you stay at the show?
I stayed the whole 2 hours to make sure I was there if anyone had any questions.

4. Describe your experience presenting to the public.
Where I work, im a daily salesman for all boats that we have. And describing my pictures to the public sort of became an ideal salesman approach. Explaining the elements of each picture eventually became pretty exhausting, but was all around a good experience.
Art Exhibit

Art Exhibit


Kreativa områden