Parse of LOVE

Love is an abstract emotion. Since ancient times, countless poets have tried to describe love in a more abstract style of poetry. How the reasonable artificial intelligence interprets abstract human emotions? Can artificial intelligence give a more specific answer about what is love? 

This publication is a process of collision between accuracy and fuzziness, a poetry collection about love generated from love. 
AttnGAN: Fine-Grained Text to Image Generation with Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks

With a novel attentional generative network, the AttnGAN can synthesize fine-grained details at different subregions of the image by paying attention to the relevant words in the natural language description.
I selected 28 poems from Tagore's Stary Birds and imported them into the AttnGAN algorithm. I think the image-generated process is fun and unpredictable because the emotions expressed in poems that resonate with the audience are not precise data.
Parse of LOVE
Love to Love generation with AttnGAN
Pages: 101, Perfect Binding
Paper: 120g Munkdkal, 100g Tracing Paper
Print: Screen printing, Riso printing
Thanks for your watching.
Parse of LOVE


Parse of LOVE
