Profiel van SunLee Art

Ananti Hilton Busan x Sun Lee

Ananti Hilton Busan x Sun Lee
I recently collaborated with Eternal Journey in Ananti Hilton Busan Hotels & Resort. Ananti Hilton Busan is a Hotels & Resort located in Busan, South Korea. It’s a luxurious and private facility to relax right by the ocean. Eternal Journey is the largest (17791.6 sq. ft) space in Ananti Town. They curate books, lifestyle, and art products. They also have art exhibitions and conversations with writers and diverse artists. I worked on decorating the center of  Eternal Journey for Spring season and celebrating year of tiger.

Thank you so much for watching!

Free free to reach out to me if you wish to collaborate, 
license my existing work, or have any questions.

Ananti Hilton Busan x Sun Lee


Ananti Hilton Busan x Sun Lee
