Grace Alfiero's profile

CNMS 120-D1 Unexpected Hybrid Project 03

I used a lot of masking in all my pieces, obviously, hue/saturation editing, and lots of layers. I had a few bumps throughout the process of creating my three compositions and their "stories"/themes. After figuring out a theme for each piece, I had a very had time with masking. I'll admit this is not my favorite part of photoshop so far. I also learned that selecting can take a very long time, but when it came to the little pieces, like the butterflies or sprinkles, the refine edge tool really helped.

Composition 1:
In this first composition, I wanted to reflect on how people, especially young kids, can be so sucked into technology. The metal overgrow on her arms and face represents how people can be so attached to their electronics that they merge, and the butterflies in the background show how, no matter what's going on around us, sometimes we can't pull away from a screen.

Edited version (right):
Comments that I received on this project were to turn down the opacity on the girls hands and face. By doing this her hands blend more with the metal and gives her hands/face more detail.
left: before                                                          right: after

Composition 2:
In this composition, I wanted to show that there can be amazing and crazy things going on right outside. This work sort of connects to the first composition in the sense that we sometimes don't notice wonderful things that happen right in front of us.

For this composition, I took a slightly different turn. There is a dreamy galaxy in the coffee cup—another universe with so many possibilities. I then placed the cup on a bed with messy sheets. I wanted to make this one ironic; while the coffee would keep us up, we would have to be asleep to dream up a new galaxy and everything inside.
CNMS 120-D1 Unexpected Hybrid Project 03

CNMS 120-D1 Unexpected Hybrid Project 03
