Atlant Mall Branding (concept design)

Atlant Mall is the first ever Sport Mall. Sport clothes, shoes, watches, accessories, uniforms, tools, etc.
Nike, Adidas, Puma, Jordan - all of your favorite sport stores in one giant mall.

"Why Atlant ?" you may ask. 
Well, as you may know there's a lost city called "Atlantis", and the creators of that city were half god and half human. The mountains there, were covered in gold and silver, and the people were moral and spiritual who lived in a highly advanced, utopian civilization. Such a shame that 
"Atlantis" got lost in history...
But now you've found "Atlant", a mall, where you can find gold and silver mountains of sports accessories, newest and highly advanced gadgets, utopian and healthy food courts, and lots of moral and spiritual people, such as our costumers !
And, of course, the designers of this mall, are definetly half god and half human.
Welcome to "Atlant" !

Atlant Mall Branding (concept design)