Cveti Dinkovas profil

25 Designs From one Piece-Diamond

This figure without the outlined circle has the shape of a star-hexagon, the first figure.
It is created by the red diamond-rhomboid at the top left. This piece is from my drawing, from the Geometry of the Universe.
And all the others are created by the first figure.
I had the idea to assemble my hexagons-design, but this figure impressed me so much with its shapes that I decided to see what it contains and so in general I managed to get some shapes out of the original shape. The bird on the top right also impressed me a lot as a form. For now, I have stopped selling and distributing my designs. I haven't decided yet what to do with them. I was planning to sell them as a standard license, but another idea might come to mind. We will see. Time will tell. I will not hurry now. Here you present them a little better. Sometimes I get so many designs from one figure that it's just hard for me to put them together if they're different, but there are ways when I'm in no hurry. You notice that each figure can be presented in three ways - with outlines, with a background and with both together - a filled background and outlines. If you have any projects related to my designs - contact me. Also, many patterns for surface models can be created from these designs, but this is sometime in the future when I have the opportunity.
25 Designs From one Piece-Diamond

25 Designs From one Piece-Diamond
