At some point – sometimes earlier, sometimes later – a club finds a visual that represents it so well it becomes impossible to change it completely. Bayern started to find their perfect identity in the early 60s, when the bavaria colors were featured for the first time, and finished in 1970 with the first version of the current crest. Since then, it has gone through 4 minor modifications, involving changes in tones, lettering and space distribution; but since I think that the best version is the first, I worked to go back to it.

While the blue and white rings on the current version occupy unnecessary space, using gold not only cleans and modernizes the visual but also connects the stars (symbol of the club success) to the rest of the crest; it makes them a part ot it instead of an add-on.
The bavarian flag should always be a part of Bayern’s crest, but the rhombus are almost made to fight being enclosed on a circle. With the flag displayed straight and on a bigger scale (with less rhombus) the visual loses clash points and gains symmetry.

Once those key changes were made, the last thing to work was the lettering, which ditches the unnecesary "FC", occupies less space and rounds up the cleanliness accomplished through all the other changes.
Bayern München

Bayern München


Creative Fields