Folklore Portraits
The human face has been a living mirror from time immemorial reflecting the emotions and culture of various civilizations and society. When masked or painted the face has the power to captivate charm, frighten or seduce! The mythological and psychological aspects of camouflaging and transforming through face painting and masking has been a popular and sensitive ritual in many parts of rural India. Tattooing, body painting and costumes also define the class or caste of a region or community. The donning of a ‘Vesham’, involves the application e facial makeup in many south Indian performing arts. Masks are worn in performances as “disguises'' to establish an interactive relationship between the beholder and the beheld. The colours  applied  have meaning associated to the performance.  For instance, Red symbolizes powerful, ferocious and demonic qualities; green indicates courage and pink indicates peace. 

Folklore Portraits


Folklore Portraits


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