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Graphic Design & Illustration 1 Semester 2 Final

This sketch was supposed to be used for a coffee company/cafe. We had to exchange with another group, so we didn’t follow this project to the end with this sketch. However, this was an enjoyable start to our project. My partner, Julian, would agree when I say that we were excited to create the logo and concept for our  coffee company. Because it is just a sketch, it was made on paper with a pencil. This sketch is one of my favorite concepts from this year. 
From this project, I used the given information from the original / current Johnstown logo to make a new one. In a previous assignment I used the pen tool, line tool, masking, and similar effects to create my design of the Johnstown logo itself. Using the design I had made, I created a banner in the style the can be broken up similar to the one currently hanging up near the McDonald’s downtown. The mountain background was drawn using the line tool in Adobe Illustrator. Each mountain was either flipped or stretched in some way from the original mountain, in the lightest color. I really enjoyed designing the mountain background. I combined my logo design with the mountain background along with rearranging the text to make what you see here. Finding the right color palette was a challenge, but fun. I wanted a color palette that would look aesthetically pleasing, as well as a good representation of Johnstown. Overall, this was a fun project to create and learn from.
This assignment was interesting to say the least. I used the colors given on the example material for my project to follow the uniform colors. Since the company was trying to sell running attire, I made a shoe print to be flipped, copied, pasted, and made into a path running across the banner. For the text, I used a different font than the given material. I tried to make the most important pieces of the banner be eye-catching. Overall this assignment feels like a project we might actually do in the real world.

For first semester, our final was to make a portfolio in Adobe Indesign with the work we had completed that semester. I created the portfolio cover which also set the theme for my portfolio. The oranges were made individually starting with two circles on each other with the detailing drawn by hand. I made the dark text stand out by adding a copy of the text under the original with the change of the color to white instead of black. With graphic design classes, I want to move into animation specifically. This was a great digital drawing that I’m proud of.
We had to make another logo for a business. This time it was for a pizza company. “Stars Aligned Pizza” was the space and planet themed pizza parlor I made. The background is a circle with a 6-way gradient fill. The planets are pizzas. Instead of text, I opted to make the "Stars Aligned Pizza" look like constellations with dots and connecting lines. I replaced the "I" in "aligned" to be a hand drawn rocket ship. An alien I drew is at the bottom to show it's peaceful. Two different styles of stars were hand drawn and scattered around to really drive the theme of being in outer space. I loved this project. It was fun and a little challenging to make the logo from scratch.
As an assignment, we had to make a YouTube video thumbnail. The requirement was to have ourselves in it. I reused a picture and combined it with Jacksepticeye’s background. "Undertale" was a game that I was rewatching at the time, so I made it about that. The text and the images of the pixelated characters are not mine, they belong to Toby Fox for his game "Undertale" Overall, I’m satisfied with how it came out.
The text doesn’t show up very well in this image, but the text wasn’t the focus. We were tasked with fitting text into a shape of our choice. As a member of the Roosevelt High School Color Guard, I thought it would only be right to do a flag image. After selecting the outline of the flag image, I added text to replace the black fill color. The text is just the auto-generated text within Adobe Photoshop. The flag in back didn’t properly hold the text, but that’s fine. This assignment was simple and fun.
During the fall, we were asked to make a concept logo for a business of our choice. I chose a spooky fall decor. The original logo was drawn on paper. With the wonderful Photoshop I was able to easily make my traditional logo into a digital logo. I mostly used the line and pen tools to outline and color the digital sketch. This is right what I want to do with digital drawing.
Creating a postcard with a few pictures was one of our first assignments of the year. At the time, it was simple and fun. I started with a picture from Tokyo, Japan with a different sky and a little image of Paris, France. The additional postage stamp made it complete. I enjoyed this project as we were getting used to using Photoshop.
    The assignment was to retexture a photo with one we had taken of texture. I replaced some of the scales on the snake with a picture of the metal bleachers. The opacity of the layered texture image was experimented with until I was happy with the appearance. The effect of the overall image was the meaning of the assignment. Once I found the overlay I liked I kept it. The assignment took a little bit of trail and error to learn from. In the end, it didn’t turn out the best, but that’s okay.
Graphic Design & Illustration 1 Semester 2 Final

Graphic Design & Illustration 1 Semester 2 Final


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