Baby Patterns
Illustration, Pattern Design, Textile Design
The goal of this student project was to create a pattern that could be used in a specific department of a retail store. The infant section was chosen due to the fun imagery and bright color palettes of baby clothes. The task was to illustrate something playful and friendly that could be repeated over a pattern for use on textiles.
After many sketches and rounds of iterations, an ocean theme began to develop and two characters emerged, a baby octopus and a cute cuttlefish.
The first pattern includes both characters and full color illustrations with a bubbly background. This pattern is visually dense in terms of both color and content. To keep it from being too heavy, a less saturated pastel color palette was chosen.
The second pattern is meant to be more minimal and features only the octopus character. Instead of full color, this pattern is made up of only outlined illustrations. To keep balance and retain legibility, a similar but slightly darker and more saturated color palette was chosen for this pattern.
These patterns are designed for infant textiles and baby clothes, but the characters and patterns could be expanded to other products to include crib and bed sheets, bibs, sippy cups, bottles and pacifiers.
Baby Patterns


Baby Patterns
