MOVUS - Autonomous Airport Cargo Vehicle (Concept)

Autonomous Airport Cargo Vehicle

Movus is an electrical autonomous cargo vehicle carrying any cargo including the luggages inside the airport apron area between the baggage handling system (BHS) and the airplane with enhanced safety, hygiene and luggage protection measures which passengers may face after handling their luggages to the airport facilities.

“One of my biggest fears (perhaps even worse than spiders), is an airline losing my luggage or my luggage is broken after my flight. As a result, I’ve learned how to travel light and pick up the “essentials” at my destination so I only need to fly with a carry-on suitcase. "


Designed by 
Ahmet Burak Veyisoglu
Ahmet Durmus
Z. Tolga Hasimoglu

Llinkedin cura design

MOVUS - Autonomous Airport Cargo Vehicle (Concept)