World Penguin Day 2022
I was born and grew up in Shanghai. Due to urban planning, the old architectures are disappearing while the modern buildings are occupying the city. My disappearing and appearing perspective about the city is similar to how I recognize the situation in the Antarctic. Global warming somehow leads to the extinction of more than half of 19 penguin species. Thus, I put one of my favorite animals - penguins - into my favorite city - Shanghai. A few contrasts intertwine with each other. I illustrate this view in a grey level color palette, implying the inner chaos and outer harmony. Besides, heavy snow seldom happens to me in Shanghai. I make everything happen in the same visual. Hope penguins can live in a harmonious environment from now on.

I ever chose polar bear as my main character and the starting point of the thesis children's book project. This time, when I saw "Penguin Art Contest", I applied for right away. As far as I know, besides food chain, penguins are facing the same issue as what polar bears are, which is the consequence of global warming. In my thesis, I wrote down some words for my audience. "If any of us can take action in our power, the cumulative influence is sure to change the environment." Therefore, I attempt to draw something to remind people of the situation there and even a tiny move can help these animals.
World Penguin Day


World Penguin Day

