Profil von Alena Kudryashova

Sketchbook 2014 January

Museum of wooden architecture in my hometown, Kostroma. -4C highly motivates the speed of the drawing :) It was done in no time!
Arter that previous brave sketchcrawl into the winter I decided that was enough and found a couple of toys to draw.
A bunch of old soviet wrist-watches and a compas from my parent's place
a "Le Pain Quotedien" cafe in Moscow
Awesome car museum in Moscow
People in the metro
Costumes from "Otello" play. Theatre museum
One cozy Friday
"Pesto" cafe in Moscow. Ginza Project's interior designers are always doing excellent job.
Sketchbook 2014 January

Sketchbook 2014 January

My January sketches after half a year gap in urban sketching

