This series of advertisements were designed for the release of Progressive Laboratories' new product, TestosterZone, a dietary supplement to help older men retain their tesosterone levels. The ads are directed to healthcare professionals, and were placed in various magazine ads. The design was converted into different formats to be used in different print and online situations.
Each sign represents a different symptom of low testosterone.
The ad campaign was designed with the primary intent of informing healthcare professionals of a new, relatively inexpensive way to boost their patients' testosterone levels. The concept behind the design was "normal, but not normal", and was conveyed through the use of familiar road signs that feature individuals with symptoms of low normal testosterone. The first ad in the series (pictured above) shows an exhausted construction worker. The images below show a snoring, over-sleeping "lodging" man, and an overweight bathroom sign man. 
I also created a website for the launch of the new product. This site provided more information about the product and allowed the doctors to order the product online.
TestosterZone Ad Campaign


TestosterZone Ad Campaign

An ad campaign promoting the launch of a dietary supplement that improves testosterone levels.
