Profil Sarah Ho-Sing-Loy

Costuming Project: Custom Mandalorian Armor

This project was an effort to delve into the world of costume and prop design. Inspired by the Lucasfilm recognized costume club, Mandalorian Mercs, a full kit design was concepted and executed in accordance with their official costume guidelines, with the goal of applying for official membership upon completion. Official members then go one to “troop” or participate in events with their local chapters. These events include anything from tabling at conventions to charity work to support their community. This organization is a non-profit that focuses on community and helping others.

In the initial stages of creation, a large amount of research went into concepting the design. The lore of the Mandalorians, as well as the Star Wars universe as a whole, was taken into consideration. These things include history and customs, as well as a whole language and alphabet that many people in this community implement into their costumes and interactions with each other. After taking note of the many different costume designs that other official members have created, initial sketches were drafted to get a broad idea of what the final costume would look like.

A flight suit, flak vest, and neck seal were needed to act as the base of the costume. The flight suit was created using working coveralls, modified to match the costuming guidelines. The flak vest and neck seal were sewn on a machine, using a pattern bought from another member of the community. Black canvas was used as a heavy-duty material for the vest, and linen was used for the neck seal, in a dark maroon to match the chosen color scheme. The material was then weathered to give the appearance of wear-and-tear.

The helmet and gauntlets were 3D modeled using Fusion 360 and printed in sections. These sections were then glued together using plastic epoxy and filled with an initial coat of polyester resin. This serves to fill in the layer lines that occur during the printing process. Next, multiple coats of filler spray paint were added to further fill in the lines. The pieces were then sanded to give a smooth finish before painting. After adding the base color and details, the visor was cut out and attached to the inside of the helmet.

The armor was made of 1/4th inch PVC board. After designing the patterns on Illustrator and transferring them to the board, the pieces were cut out with a band saw. Next, a heat gun was used to shape the individual pieces. Most needed a curved contour to fit the body as armor would. The edges were sanded once more, and the chest plate was assembled. The base and ab plate were glued together, then the chest pieces on top of that. The gaps in the chest pieces were filled using epoxy putty. Using a Dremel, scratches and dents were carved into the pieces to give the look of weathering and use. Everything was then primed and painted with the base color. Details were added, and after everything dried, black nylon strapping, buckles, and Velcro were added to secure the armor to the vest and flight suit.

Costuming Project: Custom Mandalorian Armor

Costuming Project: Custom Mandalorian Armor
