Water dispenser

AirOwater is an innovative company based in the Arab Emirates that has developed an advanced technology capable of collecting and purifying the water present in the air. Designed to implement water reserves in areas where it is scarce, not only for domestic use.

Thanks to the inner technology and the particular knurled design of the stainless steel shells, the appliance is able to collect in a special tank the drops of condensation present in the air. From here, the water is filtered and purified, and thanks to special filters users can have it in different ways, hot, cold, and sparkling.

The design of AirOwater adopts smart solutions as the technology inside, maintaining a minimal language refined in its details. The overall feeling is of an elegant and compact water dispenser, that hides its techy core to better communicate the naturalness of the solutions and the purity of the water.
Client: AirOwater
Industry: Appliances
Credits: fuso design

The internal systems are coated with stainless steel sheets, which guarantee water resistance and limit contamination while reducing production costs. 

The bottle's support surface, even if not evident, is slightly inclined and allows the collection and recirculate again the spilled water. Two small displays indicate the status of the water filters and gasifiers, which are accessible from the panel under the taps. 

An additional tap is hidden at the top of the appliance to empty the tank in case of prolonged absence and unused, to prevent the collected water from becoming stale.

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Water dispenser
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Water dispenser

Unique water dispenser that collects the water from moisture, clean and sanitizes it before use.

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