Perfil de Karlo Martin Angeles Abuan

The Abyss Watcher ( Dark Souls 3 )

The Abyss Watcher ( Dark Souls 3)
The Abyss Watcher is a Main Boss in the game called Dark Souls 3, as one of my favorite I have decided to draw a Fan art of him.

What App did I used?
Well for that, the first thing I did before do it digitally in photoshop, was sketching the idea out first.
The Sketch
Added linings similar to the ones in Mangas, which represent the shadowing on a character.
Digital Sketch
A digitally sketched version of the sketch.
Then after the sketch I did, I went to photoshop to outline it then put the colours in, as for the choice of the background, I decided to use a plain grey background, since in the boss it has a lot of grey elements in it, and to help the Abyss Watcher to stand out more.
The Finishing touches
After that I did the shadowings, the Flame effects to the sword and I also added the red glowing eye, since during his Phase 2 he enlightens the Flame within him, which made his sword have a flame effect, also giving him glowing red eyes, since during the first phase, you can notice that the 'Friendly Abyss Watcher' that aided you in the First phase have glowing eyes, then during the second phase's cutscene all of the 'dead' Abyss Watchers send their life force or powers or even something else, to the chosen Abyss Watcher which you fight on Phase 2.
Then that's that, the finished project of The Abyss Watcher from Dark Souls 3.
The Abyss Watcher ( Dark Souls 3 )

The Abyss Watcher ( Dark Souls 3 )



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