Perfil de Jessica Bastidas

Another Fun Portrait...

Hey Everybody,
Does anybody know of some cool summer jobs or internships for a young artist? I am interested in all disciplines and mediums and eager to learn. Something that includes housing would be great and would save me from a summer working at an icecream shop!
About the Work:
This is a the second of three commissioned portraits for Mrs. Heather Yee. I interviewed her son and asked him about what he his major interests were so the work loosely references Battlefront, Star Wars, Mindcraft, Mario, the Westing Game, reading, building computers, gaming, and the color orange. The original sketch was graphite on inexpensive drawing paper and then I colored it is Photoshop.
If you are interested in commissioning work or have any questions...shoot me a message on Behance or contact me via my email at
This is the third of a series of commissioned portraits for Mrs. Heather Yee. It depicts her son who described his interests in basketball, football, gaming, rockclimbing, electronics, and pandas (this version of the portrait is sans panda.
The basketball, football, gaming, and electronics are depicted in the interior circles, while the mountains on the outermost circle symbolize rockclimbing and nature.
Another Fun Portrait...
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Another Fun Portrait...

These are two commissioned portraits depicting some of the many interests of the sitters.

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