This project was completed for Raster Graphics II at Ivy Tech Community College. The objective was to create a collaged portrait that tells a story using Photoshop.
Self Portrait, 2022.
To complete this project, I used the stock photos above and took an original self portrait.
The first steps I took were to edit the photograph of myself, perfecting my skin and clothes.
Next, I cropped the background photo and edited out imperfections on the table.
I extended the width of the warp on the loom so that there would be more space for the photograph.
I cloned a solid texture of a weaving onto the loom,
then arranged the photo where I wanted it to be placed,
before masking it onto the weaving and changing the layer's mode to allow the texture to show through the photograph.
Then, I changed to overall hue of the weaving to a neutral color,
and adjusted the lighting to make the weaving appear as though it was originally a part of the image. Finally, I adjusted to color of the background to be more neutral and fit the overall feel of the image.
Collaged Portrait
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Collaged Portrait

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