Profilo di Diego Domene

Dassault Systèmes - Other Projects

Dassault Systèmes - Other Projects
Producing communication material for a big company requires a good level of attention. After a few months of partnership with Dassault Systèmes, we created not only the video themselves but also a series of Motion Graphics Assets that different designers could use in other projects. Even the subtitles needed to follow the brand guidelines and were also a design creation. 
(Navigate trough the the top left corner menu below)
Project: Science Talks 
Client: Dassault Systèmes 
Motion Graphics, Editing and Subtitles: Diego Domene 
Direction and Production: Wassup Production 
Compass Magazine Series
Project: Dassault Systèmes | Compass Magazine - The Value of Blockchain
Editing: Diego Domene
Direction: Wassup Production 
Project: Dassault Systèmes | Compass Magazine - The Value of Blockchain
Editing: Diego Domene
Direction: Wassup Production 
Industry Renaissance
Project: Dassault Systèmes | Industry Renaissance 
Motion Graphics: Diego Domene 
Editing and Direction: Wassup Production 
Dassault Systèmes - Other Projects