Darby Godette profili

The Wizard of Oz DVD Cover

This project was made in InDesign and its purpose was to test my skills in making a DVD cover for a movie that already exists which was The Wizard of Oz. I was given a template to use so I would know the dimensions of a DVD cover and took some time researching the types of covers the movie had before designing the cover myself. I made sure I got the necessary images I was planning to use and had a reference so I know what text to add to the back of the cover. The font that I used in my design is called Trajan Color Concept and I thought it was perfect to use since it made me think of The Wizard of Oz when I first saw it. If I had to chose a part of the project that I liked the most it would have to be the front cover because I like how clean it looks and how I arranged the text. I had a great time making this project and I enjoyed making a DVD cover for the first time.
Made in February 2021
The Wizard of Oz DVD Cover
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The Wizard of Oz DVD Cover

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