Remora Home Decor
Visual Identity, Logotype & Brandmark, Print & Promotional Design

Remora is home decor brand that strongly believes as a part of their core philosophy that home decor is not about filling, cluttering or populating the space, its about liberating, unbridling and letting the space breathe so it can the ambiance and more importantly the atmosphere it is intented to create.
With its wide range, Remora offers elegant, airy and fine home decors that aim to elevate the aesthetics and the atmosphere of the place.

Location  ─ Chicago, US
Designer ─ Mubeen Qassim │ Zeal Studio™
Year ─ April, 2022

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Remora Home Decor
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Remora Home Decor

Remora is a home decor brand that strongly believes as a part of their core philosophy that home decor is not about filling, cluttering, or popul Daha Fazla Bilgi

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