Dr. Barry Logan is a toxicologist and the Senior Vice President, Forensic Science Initiatives, and Chief Scientist at NMS Labs. Dr. Logan has taught Forensic Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry at multiple universities and colleges in the United States and Brazil. Dr. Barry Logan has more than 110 medical publications and is an expert in Designer Drugs Chemistry and toxicology.

Designer drugs are synthetic variants of drugs that have been proscribed. They are typically formulated to induce stronger effects on the user but with reduced side effects. Designer drugs are common at parties and nightclubs. Examples of designer drugs include MDMA, LSD, Rohypnol, bath salts, and methamphetamine.

Designer drugs are not so easy to examine, even under strict laboratory conditions. However, an easy means of identification lies in their source, location, and packaging. These drugs can generally not be obtained over the counter, as opposed to parties and nightclubs. Designer drugs can also be obtained over the internet.

The packaging of these drugs is also casual, with vivid designs that may raise doubts in the minds of many. These drugs can be used unintentionally, so the slightest adverse effects require a prompt medical consultation.
How to Identify Designer Drugs

How to Identify Designer Drugs


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