Profil appartenant à Diamond RobinsonProfil appartenant à Graphic Design COD

Desertification Poster

Desertification Poster
Digital Illustration
Back in 2019 we were put in groups to find issues that almost no one has noticed. We chosen Desertification.
For my poster, I made a big dust monster and blows dust from her mouth and the dust bowl is happening everywhere because people have been cutting trees which is one of the causes of deforestation and that leads to desertification. And Desertification leads to a dust bowl.
Mockup by Poster Mockup
Desertification Poster
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Desertification Poster

Back in 2019 we were put in groups to find issues that almost no one has noticed. We chosen Desertification. For my poster, I made a big dust mon Lire la suite

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