Rachel Hughes 的個人檔案

Doc Ock Packing Tape Sculpture

Doc Ock Packing Tape Sculpture

Research Problem Statement
The research problem for this sculpture was how to create a recognizable character out of unconventional materials. The initial prompt for this assignment was to represent a familiar character from pop culture. I chose Doc Ock because I believed he would be immediately recognizable, and I was inspired to translate his expressive, comic book design to a 3D format. After I finalized the vision for my sculpture, another problem I needed to address was how could I suspend my character in midair. The entire process of building Doc Ock was a rewarding exercise in working through technical challenges to achieve my creative ambitions.

Communication Objective
My communicative objective was to represent a widely known character in a fresh way.  I also wanted to interpret the character of Doc Ock differently than prior on-screen representations. Lastly, I wanted my design choices to reflect his identity as a villain.

Visual Solution
The media used for this project strongly accomplished my desire to create a unique sculpture. I had to think creatively to find materials that would be cohesive in their theme and overall composition. For example, I used foil to sculpt his robotic arms to strategically utilize the common household items’ metallic appearance. I composed my own design for his claws, goggles, and trench coat to separate him from past interpretations of the character. Finally, I emphasized his villainous persona by including sharp angles in his face, fingertips, and coat details, as well as having his tentacles come towards the viewer in a menacing posture. 

How it was Produced
The process for my sculpture began with intense sketch studies. I wanted to plan every detail of posing, costume, and internal structure before I began building my figure. Sketching is also an important step to make distinctions between your inspiration and how you will interpret it in an organic way. I continued on to sculpt individual elements such as the head, upper and lower limbs, boots, and his four robotic tentacles. I used a cast making process to create these body parts, by wrapping an object, or in some cases a live model, with thick layers of plastic wrap and packing tape. I used a wide variety of media when producing Doc Ock, including packing foam, duct tape, aluminum tape, cardboard, soda bottles, sticker paper, aluminum flex ducts, Polyfill fibers, tension wire, acrylic paint, sewing pins, and tin foil. Next came the challenge of building an armature strong enough to support my heavy sculpture. I accomplished this by using galvanized steel pipes drilled into a wooden base and wrapping that support system with highly gauged wire. With the body of Doc Ock suspended, I attached his limbs and added final costume details. 
Doc Ock Packing Tape Sculpture

Doc Ock Packing Tape Sculpture
