Buse Ergül Kargı's profile

Anthology for Gertrude Stein

In this project I received as an exchange student in KCAI, I had to design an anthology for the poet Gertrude Stein.
After I researched Gertrude Stein, I realized that she did not want to follow the basic literature rules, but created new ones for herself. She did not want her poems to make sense, but wanted to create rhythm. 
Then I researched Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso (who received help from Gertrude Stein), and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and Guillaume Apollinaire (for inspiration).
After I saw some of their works and read the poems of Gertrude Stein, I decided that I want my anthology to based on geometric shapes. Also there were lots of repeating words, but instead of showing them over and over again, I showed them for once but with a bold typeface. Since the meanings of the words and the placements of the sentences are not important in Stein's poems, I did not put the sentences in an order as well. They are basically floating on the paper (in a "geometric" order, not in a "meaning" order). Also I did not want the pages to have an order. I did not want the viewer to know which edge of the paper is the bottom or which edge of the paper is the top.
Anthology for Gertrude Stein

Anthology for Gertrude Stein

Anthology for Gertrude Stein
