Nature Spawn is a technology driven producer of mushrooms for growers and end users. The business is also focused on hands-on training for technical and farming talents.

See more at naturespawn

When the partners for Nature Spawn reached out to me, they made their objectives for their branding clear to me, which were modern, futuristic, forward thinking and functional. 

After much research, (mostly about the nature of the business), I also realized that they intend to attract international attention to what they do. I eventually arrived at three solid design options for them to choose from, and this option resonated with them the most.

Ideation: The logo shows a cluster of mushrooms sprouting, but in an abstract form. This is to stay on track with
the logo having a deeper meaning. I also thought to incorporate the major element of the logo into the typography, making it cohesive.

I also employed the use of a sans serif font with rounded finishing to create a uniform look of the logo, making it
look like they were created for each other.

Logo Anatomy

Logo/Color Variation: The brand’s color palette and assets are boldly used to distinguish the company from any other. The colors were carefully picked out after several meetings, and we decided that there should be bold
and soft colors that speak the terms ‘biotech’ and ‘nature.’


Exploration of brand assets on social media designs

Stationery Design

Merch Design

Branding by Shalom Folashakin
Market Research
Visual Identity Development
Brand Visual Elements
Tone of Voice
Brand Guidelines
Nature Spawn


Nature Spawn
