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The 82-Page Brand Style Guide Kit | Download Template

The Ultimate Style Guide Kit | 82-Page Brand Guidelines (Vol.4)
The comprehensive, easy-to-use, and previously inaccessible brand style guide for designers, 
creative directors, and design studio owners

NEW! 🔥🔥 Introducing The Ultimate 82-Page Style Guide - a complete visual core of your client’s new brand identity!

If you are a designer or manage a design studio, you might already know that a brand identity project is always divided into two parts. The first part of the project is, of course, developing a brand identity. It’s where you do what you love – create a logo, define the color scheme, work with type, etc. 

But the second part, and it’s a crucial one, is the presentation of the work you’ve done. And your skills of presenting and delivering your work at the highest level are the cornerstone of the whole process. It's your chance to get new high-paying projects and open new opportunities and industries. This stage defines why some studios make millions of dollars while others barely cover the costs. It’s all about your presentation and positioning.   

Download this Style Guide Kit to build a multi-million-dollar design business.

Use this comprehensive, easy-to-use, and previously inaccessible brand style guide for designers, brand strategists, and design studio owners.

The Ultimate 82-Page Style Guide (Vol.4) is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, and previously inaccessible brand style guide for designers, creative directors, and design studio owners. This Style Guide is a perfect introduction to your client’s new brand identity – from brand architecture and strategy to logo, colors, typography, patterns, icons, layout principles, tone of voice, imagery, illustrations, and approach! Deliver projects of the scale-like Airbnb, NASA, McDonald’s, or Nike. Now significantly improved.   

The previous version of this style guide became a top seller with thousands of downloads. This one is an updated, refined, and expanded version! Download it once and show your professional level in every single project.

Download this Style Guide Kit to build a multi-million-dollar design business. 🤩

The Ultimate 82-Page Style Guide (Vol.4) defines the essential elements of your client’s new brand design and visually encapsulates what your unique brand stands for. It’s a professionally crafted, modern, comprehensive, and consistent Guidebook that facilitates accurate brand representation worldwide. It is a detailed manual that provides clear guidance for how the brand should be presented visually and verbally, internally and externally, across all applications and audiences. The file looks incredibly professional and contains all the information about the brand you have created.

Don’t miss your chance to become a higher-paid designer – download the Style Guide today at a lower price!

How your design practice will change after downloading this Style Guide:

After downloading, you will:

• Deliver projects priced between $40,000 and $250,000+; 
• Help your clients grow their business;
• Represent the unique character of the client’s brand properly;
• Create a profitable and sustainable design business;
• See how your brand operates without inconsistencies;
• Deliver your beautiful brand identity work professionally;
• Professionally present yourself as a designer or a successful design studio;
• See that your work is presented globally without mistakes or inconsistencie;
• Receive calls and emails from other clients who want the same brand for their companies;
• Handle your work properly to an internal design team & other designers; 

IBM, Uber, Slack, NASA, and other giants use brand guidelines like this one 👇👇

You might think that these companies have something special. But even though their style guides are confidential, we know that they are similar to this one! Smotrow Design has worked with giant corporations, so we know that you have the same style guide. With a similar structure, information, chapters, and even descriptions. After downloading the style guide, you will use the best practices from the top corporations! 

Moreover, we filled the style guide with ready-to-use content for you to learn how to explain your work professionally. This style guide will transform your design practice for the better. 

One day, you’ll look back on when you downloaded this Style guide and marvel at your progress and the number of successful projects you were able to deliver!

Typography guidelines

Typography plays a significant role when creating a brand identity for your client. It’s as important as a logo because typography is everywhere. A client will use it on a website, brochures, business cards, and even T-Shirts. And, when doing everything right, people will recognize the brand based even on what font they see. 

Obviously, your design studio can’t always oversee how your client uses the font you have chosen or created after the project goes live. So defining the rules of working with the type is vital. Do it in the style guide. 

We know what information to add to the style guide. Usually, you should define:

1. Brand typefaces;
2. Typography system;
3. Pairings;
4. Pairings guidelines;
5. Typography guidelines;

This Style Guide has it all!

Table of contents:

The most comprehensive style guide you can download. It has detailed sections covering:

1. Introduction.
Who we are, why we do it, how we do it, key principles, core brand guidelines (with custom illustrations). 

2. The tone of voice.
Personality and expression, examples of how we speak, abbreviations.

3. Logotype.
Logo lockups, alternative versions, social lockups, ad banners, colors, sizes, clearspace, partnerships, guidelines.

4. Typography.
Main typeface, additional typefaces, typography system, pairings, pairing guidelines, guidelines.

5. Brand colors.
A color palette, accent colors, corporate color, Stratton in colours, functional colours, guidelines.

6. Icons.
Principles, colours, construction, examples, guidelines.

7. Layout principles.
Be generous with space, keep it simple, create clear order, pay attention to details. 

8. Google ads.
Web banners and advertisements.

9. Imagery.
Image tonality, basic principles, guidelines. 

10. Assets
Quotes, business cards, T-Shirts, ID cards, envelopes, outdoor signs.

11. References and contacts.
Legal, trademarks rules.

We've created a fully-designed, ready-to-use, highly customizable template file that you can open, edit, and send to your clients. Adjusting the typography, grid, and color scheme is straightforward. You'll get the templates in the InDesign format.

The most comprehensive Style Guide available for download EVER

1. Introduction.
Who we are, why we do it, how we do it, key principles, core brand guidelines (with custom illustrations).

2. The tone of voice.
Personality and expression, examples of how we speak, abbreviations.

3. Logotype.
Logo lockups, alternative versions, social lockups, ad banners, colors, sizes, clearspace, partnerships, guidelines.

4. Typography.
Main typeface, additional typefaces, typography system, pairings, pairing guidelines, guidelines.

5. Brand colors.
A color palette, accent colors, corporate color, Stratton in colors, functional colors, guidelines.

6. Icons.
Principles, colors, construction, examples, guidelines.

7. Layout principles.
Be generous with space, keep it simple, create clear order, pay attention to details.

8. Imagery.
Image tonality, basic principles, guidelines.

9. Inspirational examples.
Quotes, business cards, T-Shirts, ID cards, envelopes, outdoor signs.

10. References.
Legal, trademarks rules.

11. Contacts.

You will get: 

• A Comprehensive 82-Pages Style Guide;</b>
• Fully Customizable Template Files: INDD;
• Links to Assets;
• Ready-to-use Structure;
• Fully Filled with Content/Rules;
• Masterpages, Paragraph & Character Styles;
• 24/7 Online Support;

Fully customizable template

Get a fully customizable template that you can open, edit, and send to your clients. With masterpages and fonts. Change the content with ease. The template is in InDesign.

The 82-Page Brand Style Guide Kit | Download Template


The 82-Page Brand Style Guide Kit | Download Template

Use this Brand Style Guide to provide the guidelines that explain how a client should use your brand internally and externally. The document prov Read More
