Creative Conscience was a group campaign that focused on bringing awareness about the realities of several disorders and debunking stereotypes that have been proven untrue. We focused on OCD, PTSD, BPD and ADHD Often people tend to light-heartedly toss around statements like "My OCD is acting up" or claiming that they can't focus because of their ADHD, all without having a diagnosis or full understanding of what some of these conditions actually are. We wanted this to be a gorilla style approach where we get small, impactful bits of true information, right there in their faces. "Stop The Type" is the slogan that we chose, which stands for Stop The Stereotyping. 
Gif's were created to integrate into social media posts. The GIF's symbolize certain aspects of the disorders that people face on a daily basis.
This campaign was spread across posters, social media, and an app was developed so that people had access to more information if they chose to pursue more truths about these disorders. 
Stop The Type

Stop The Type
