Profil von Laci Lacko

Glass Pavilion (UE5)

Glass Pavilion
A small project I did just to see how well Unreal Engine path-tracer handles dense geometry with millions of objects.
Since path-tracer in Unreal doesn't work well with nanite and translucent shaders don't either, all meshes are simply high resolution originals. Unreal real-time rendering can't even display them all at once, but using pathttracing it is still running incredibly fast without problems.
Some wip shots from the forest area
On the last image, the sky is realtime volumetric cloud system. The idea is in the near future to turn this scene into fully realtime so that animations can be done easily and also make an interactive demo.

Check out my website for some free 3D models and also my instagram.
Glass Pavilion (UE5)


Glass Pavilion (UE5)
