Henkilön Kelsey McCallister profiili

MyFitnessPal Mini App Redesign

MyFitnessPal App Redesign

The goal of this project was to improve an existing interface. For the assignment, MyFitnessPal is what we focused on.

The Process
My job was to rework the hierarchy of the home screen to focus more on food tracking, and less on everything else. As for the diary screen, I matched the new style of the home screen and applied the same types of features to the original layout. 

Personas & Flow Charts
The Project
I am proud of the app redesign I created because it accomplishes the goals of food tracking with hierarchy while being cohesive and uniform across the various screens. The home screen's main emphasis is on the calories remaining and the food tracking option. The next screen is a new version of the original that matches the new design layout of the main screen. I used bold colors, large typography, and icons to draw emphasis to the most important areas of the app.
MyFitnessPal Mini App Redesign


MyFitnessPal Mini App Redesign
