Esoboaea Petronela's profile

Behance - clickable elements

Improving Clickability Signifiers within Behance

During my journey towards becoming a UX Designer, my mentor asked me to evaluate an app I frequently use. I chose Behance, the platform I initially used for finding inspiration and showcasing my case studies. While exploring the app, I made an interesting discovery regarding the visibility of clickable elements.

Only after a long time since I started using the platform, I noticed that when opening a project from my profile, my username and the text "Edit Project" were actually links. Due to my primary focus on checking the projects for errors, I had never realized their clickable nature before.

Proposed Solution
To enhance the user experience and improve clickability signifiers, I suggest Visual Cue: to differentiate clickable texts introduce a subtle underline or color variation or add an icon. This would help users recognize them as interactive elements.

Key Achievements:
1. Identified an opportunity for enhancing the user experience of Behance;
2. Recognized the need to visually differentiate clickable elements;
3. Suggested ideas on utilizing signifiers to denote clickability.

Simply relying on a hover effect may not be sufficient, especially in this case where the elements are placed in an area that users typically do not have many reasons to hover over or visually focus on.
Note: The proposed solutions presented in this case study have not been tested.

Behance - clickable elements


Behance - clickable elements



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