This image shows the sky from a low light pollution area near Glasgow, the image is made using a stack of around 40-45 images to remove noise.
This is an image showing star trails over the Fourth Rail Bridge, the image shows the path the stars take through the night sky. 
This is an image taken of the sky from a dark sky site location that shows the amount of stars possible with no street lights etc. 
This photograph is composed like the previous but the camera was left on a shutter release cable to take around 50 shots which where then layered.
This is an image of Dunure Castle in a low light pollution area on the Ayrshire coast, the image captured a pillar of the aurora borealis over the water. The image features a stack of photographs to remove noise from the image 
This image taken at the same composition as the previous is made up of multiple images where the camera was left for 25 minutes to collect star trails.
This is an image of the milky way taken from a dark sky site that shows the milky way, the milky way is larger in this photograph as it was taken at 50mm.
This is a composite image using a foreground from a low light pollution area and a sky from a dark sky site, i chose to edit this image this way as I love the silhouette of the hills. 
This is an image of the aurora borealis taken with the conic hill as foreground, the image is in a low light pollution area
This is a composite image using a sky from a darker area with an exposure of a foreground of Edinburgh Castle
This is a composite image using a sky from a darker area with an exposure of a foreground from Glasgow's Clydeside distillery
This image shows the northern lights above Paisley, there is a lot of light pollution, this was vaguely to the naked eye.
This image incorporates a composite sky with an infrared foreground taken on a Nikon D7000 with infrared 860nm filter
This image shows the light pollution within Paisley, there is a lot of light pollution and the stars can barely be seen. 
This is an image of a windmill taken from a dark sky site windfarm, its amazing how many stars are in the image when there is little to no light pollution. 
This image shows light pollution within Glasgow, it shows the varying degrees of light and their sources emitting light pollution 
This image shows the Paisley Mill in a light polluted area, the image is a composite of many overlayered images to show the perceivable movement of the stars
This image shows the Paisley Mill in a light polluted area, the image features a shooting star
This image was taken in a low light pollution area of loch Lomond, I used HDR techniques with multiple exposures and light painting 
This is an image of the milky way taken from a dark sky site, the image is a stack of around 40 images at 10,000 iso, this image shows what is capable with a camera. 
Graded Unit HND
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Graded Unit HND

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