Perfil de Kayla Boyce

Faithful Miss Suzanna

Faithful Miss Suzanna is a short poem that invites children into the magical promises of God’s loving care and grace. The story points children to remember the purpose and plan for them in God’s hand through the life of sweet Miss Suzanna. It’s a simple and timeless story based on the truest love story of all time: God cares and protects those who believe in Him. The illustrations are glimpses of a fairytale, inviting both children and adults into the words on the pages. The book includes ten short devotionals to help explain the Biblical principles mentioned in the poem. Each devotional has a prayer section and Bible verse reference to start opening little eyes up to the truth and light of Jesus. Faithful Miss Suzanna invites you to experience the richness of God’s grace and love in its cozy and enchanting pages.
Faithful Miss Suzanna
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Faithful Miss Suzanna

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