"Overview Effect" series. Exhibited at Galerie Le 1040 (Montreal) from April 18th to May 1st 2022

Picture this :
You're 10 years old, you see a butterfly.
You're 40 years old, you see a butterfly.
You're 70 years old, you see a butterfly.
For real, picture it. How do you imagine yourself in those situations? In particular, how do you interact with the butterfly?
A naive child may play with it. A disenchanted adult may, at best, notice it. A wise old woman may savour the moment.
Yep, those are clichés, and may not apply to you in particular. My point is, although we're looking at the same thing, we may not live it the same way.
So, when Astronauts went up in space, they saw the earth from afar. According to Frank White's work, most of them experienced a cognitive shift in awareness called the Overview Effect that, to put it simply, connected them to their planet even more.
I interpreted the consequence of such shifts with simple, yet evokative images of Astronauts enjoying their trip back home and living out each little moments of their lifetime. Starring at a butterfly for several minutes is one of those. More to come! 🌏
Gaudy as a Butterfly
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Gaudy as a Butterfly

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