
🗓️ 2019   ✏️ UX Design   🤓 Front-end

Concierge was a web app designed primarily for people with low-mobility and the elderly (the client) to give their caregivers a secure one-time access to their smart locks. Other trusted organizations like food delivery services can also join the program.

Setup and Forget

Once connected to a trusted organization's planning system, Concierge will send an SMS with a unique URL and one-time access code at the appointed time to the employee scheduled to visit the client.
Landing Page

A simple landing page was designed to explain the service to clients and potential organizations who would like to participate in the program.

Design Process


Concierge was a side-project that came to life through our interviews with caregivers for a completely different product (Roamler Care). A common problem that caregivers face is some clients with more serious needs can find it difficult to even answer their door. Having a physical key could work but a different employee may need to visit the client at different times and exchanging keys is not practical. Having multiple keys is unsafe.

What if they can go in when they need to but still maintain the safety of their clients?Several smart locks are were available in the market  and they aren't very expensive and easy to install. They all have apps that can unlock doors remotely. That's great but the clients are usually elderly people who aren't very good with technology. Giving access to a caregiver every time they visit is too much work. We needed a solution that can be easily set up once and clients never have to worry about it again (a caregiver can also help in this if needed).

Technical Research

We purchased several smart locks and attached them to makeshift doors in the office. We tried out their APIs to see if our idea was feasible. We also looked into the healthcare organization's planning system to see if we can integrate it with the smart lock APIs. When we got it working, it's time to move on to the next step.
Journey Map

We created a very simple journey map to easily understand how the client's experience would be like from sign up, smart lock setup, and adding an organization.


We continued our discussions with caregivers and shared a prototype that they can show to their clients. We decided high fidelity prototypes would be best because wireframes might be too confusing for our target audience and also because of time-constraints and our lack of direct access to the clients.


We launched Concierge to a small group of participants in partnership with one health organization to test if it can be a viable large-scale solution. As somehow expected, the concept is difficult for clients to grasp and requires the help of their caregivers to set up. 

Post Mortem

It's an effective solution to the problem we were trying to solve but requires a considerable effort to set up (both hardware and software) as well as financial investments from clients. More organizations also need to join the program before it can reach its full potential.



