Productive Paul
A new way to do work more comfortably 
My final project idea was to create what looks like a traditional end table or side table for my bed. It functions like a side table; however, the table top is removable in order to use it as a lap table while sitting in bed. This will solve a problem I have because I do not have a side table currently and I could use one to put my water, phone, and more on at night. This will also allow me to eat, watch a show, or do homework in bed more comfortably and mess free.

My inspiration came from a few examples I found that show a side table with a rotating top that would hover over your lap in bed. These are too expensive for me to afford, and the reach is limited making it so you can only use it if you are on the edge of your bed. 

A challenge I ran into was how to temporarily attach the table top in a way that could be used over and over again. I started by creating 4 3D printed clips, however they kept breaking even after adjusting the size. Also, I realized that the clips were very strong and therefore if someone was to try to remove the tablet op they would end up picking up the whole table which is not user friendly. I diverted to using magnets which proved the best alternative as they release the table top a lot easier and they allow the user to simply place the table top back down in the correct general location and the magnets automatically reconnect to each other.
User Testing
For user testing I chose Berry students who are likely to do homework, use their laptops, and eat on their bed in their dorm rooms. Overall, users said they liked the table and how easy the table top was able to come off. They liked the addition of a shelf to hold things when the table top was off. Users said they liked the size of the table top because it was long enough to go over the legs and just big enough to hold a laptop, but some said they could potentially see the table top width a little larger.
Productive Paul

Productive Paul


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