Bezorg de Zorg

🗓️ 2012   ✏️ UX Design   🤓 Front-end

Bezorg de Zorg connects to the Roamler API to mobilize the Roamler Crowd to help health workers and the elderly to do their grocery shopping during the Covid-19 lockdowns.​​​​​​​

Design Process

Because of the unprecedented situation, we needed to get the product out as soon as possible. This meant that there was unfortunately no time to do proper research. I quickly sketched a wireframe to identify the required screens and went to work creating a high-fidelity mockup. I started working on the front-end on the same day.

The platform was ready within 48 hours of receiving brief. Over the course of several days, we received lots of feedback and suggestions from users and the Roamler crowd that was extremely valuable in improving the design and functionalities.

Post Mortem

Despite time-constraints and lack of planning, Bezorg de Zorg was very well received and was even featured in local news outlets. During its run dozens of organizations reached out to partner with Roamler in the initiative.
Bezorg de Zorg


Bezorg de Zorg
