"Interpretation of Time"
Short stories written/designed by Hazero Kim
November 2013
6" x 9.5"
Watermelon B (Interaction with Grandma)
November 2013
9.5" x 12"
Watermelon rind, handmade watermelon paper, dried watermelon fiber, book board, fabric
Observing Watermelon B
Human Interaction 
October 2013
30" x 36"
Anthropology text books, boards, acrylic, foam spray
Watermelon A (partial interaction)
January 2013
350 shirts, acrylic, spray paints
Watermelon A's Extended Story
January 2014
Watermelon seeds, dried watermelon fiber, (chronological order) rice, pasta, corn, (others) quinoa, millet, lentils
Scholarship Entry 2014

Scholarship Entry 2014

Suppose different watermelons are unique individual human beings. In this short summarized portfolio, Hazero, the artist herself, is compared as Mehr anzeigen
