This was another of my "things I had to draw"..the movie monsters. The first idea was to do a remake of the cover of The Ramones Rocket to Russia album, but I got lazy to do the entire body's and ended up doing some kind of mugshots.
The line up, from left to right, is: Vampire(a mix of Nosferatu with dracula), the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein and the Wolfman.
In the t-shirts I "borrowed" some originals designs from the very talented Paulo Rocker!!!
The tattoo that the creature have is a original design from the, also, very talented Susana Silva!!!
ink over pencils
facebook cover
halloween facebook cover
PS: If you don't now what are the other logos, the Creature have a Messer Chups t-shirt, and the Wolfie have a Ramones t-shirt!!
Thanks for watching!