Hydris-play is an installation that initially appears simple in form and construction, but reveals increasing complexity and richness of possibility.  Layers of symbolism and meaning become apparent as passers by interact with it, responding differently depending on number of people, rate and volume of movement.
The installation consists of an overhead net or trellis supported by what appear to be water pipes along the outside.  From the net are hung reclaimed water bottles and each bottle contains colored LEDs.  The lights are controlled by an array of motion sensors and Arduino hardware controllers that sense the presence of people and adjust the light responses accordingly.  The light patterns mimic the behavior of water, rippling, flowing, gushing and tumbling.  As individual people pass under the lights, they create ripple patterns radiating out.  As more people pass beneath to experience the art, the movements translate to rushing or draining, culminating in the activation of a small pump which will spray actual water into the river.
Overhead View
Bottle Detail


An interactive light installation piece inspired by the Baltic Sea region.
