Siddhant Beriwal's profile

2013 Summer Internship

Being very much interested in traditional indian weaves, i interned under Gaurang Shah a designer and wevaer from hyderabad who works and experiments with saris like kanjeevarams, upaadas and benarsi and also with fabrics like khaadi, kota, muga and many more.
He mainly works and derives designs by taking inspiration from nature producing a lot of floral patterns and motifs.
Hence i was told to observe and take inspiration from nature.
The first design i made during my entire stay in hyderabad was by taking inspiration from a lemon.
Designing something for the next summer season, i started to look up fruits which grow during summer alongwith the flowers which bloom during that time.
Being made for the summer, the fabric had to be kept in mind and so i decided upon choosing khaadi as the fabric with the design woven on it.i
The design is a lemon tree growing in the entire sari, with lemon flowers woven in gold and silver threads.
The sari has dark rose pink selvage and a temple border of the same colour which was given to balance out the colours in the sari , as advised by Gaurang.
There were other designs i produced , but they have not been woven yet and are still in production,
A design done taking inspiration from chrysanthemum flowers and another taking inspiration from cherries whose pictures will be updated soon.
2013 Summer Internship

2013 Summer Internship

A small time period spent in learning a lot of styles of weaving with an honest and knowledgeable person as a teacher.
