It’s 56th day since Russia started full-scale invasion.
We've managed to flee Kyiv to the West of Ukraine, and now we're relatively safe. But still there are air raid sirens every day, and there was 4 air strikes each no further than 4 km from our temporary Lviv home. So 'safe' it's not really a thing. 

Every piece of news hurts so much. There are shellings every day, dead civilians every day, cities are getting flattened to the earth. And it’s not even my native cities (most of the time), I’ve never been to Mariupol, but it’s looking devastating now, and it’s painful to know that just two months ago it was peaceful and full of life.

Now I realize how much I love every Ukrainian city, town or village. It’s my Mariupol. My Kharkiv. My Mykolaiv. My Bucha. No matter how destroyed it is, nobody would take it from us.
I want to cry over every dead person, or animal, or destroyed building. And I want revenge.
War in Ukraine

War in Ukraine


