Profiel van Virginie Bourque

Week 4 - One photo per day for 2014

In order to challenge myself and to become more creative with my photography, I've decided to start a 365 days photo challenge. One photo per day, everyday for the year 2014! Here are the photos for week 4 of the challenge. 

All photos were taken in Hanoi, Vietnam (22nd-28th of January 2014) 
Day 22 - Tet, tet, tet, tet den roi
Day 23 - Ong cong, Ong tao
Day 24 - When life brings you pineapples...
Day 25 - This is what happens when I try to act pretty
Day 26 - Flower girl
Day 27 - Maman est chez le coiffeur
Day 28 - Good night
Week 4 - One photo per day for 2014

Week 4 - One photo per day for 2014

365 days photo project. One photo per day for the year 2014. Here is week 4 of the project.
