Performance "The Poku Game"/ "Pokumäng"
Pokuland/ Pokumaa
Based on novels of Edgar Valter, devised text
Director: Jaanika Juhanson
1st year (2012) or 2nd year Acting and Directing students
of Tartu University Viljandi Culture Academy
Fatme Helge Leevald, Kaija M Kalvet, Kristjan Lüüs, 
Laura Niils, Mihkel Kallaste, Sander Rebane
Imbi Türk (Stage Management student of UT VCA)
Linda Vaher (Acting student of Estonian Music and Theatre Academy)
Birgit Landberg (Directing student of UT VCA)
Liina Leinberg (Acting student of UT VCA)
Some songs from the performance (authors of the texts and music are students by themselves):
Performance "The Poku Game" 2012

Performance "The Poku Game" 2012

Performance for children in Pokuland (South Estonia), based on Estonian writer´s and artist´s Edgar Valter´s children book "The Book of Pokus"
