Alexandre Tissier profiliAlejandro Cifuentes profili

Specific - Light pet food

Specific - (Europe)
Specific is a premium range of pet food dedicated to the loss and weight control. 
Dog owners are not aware that obesity is a real disease, they don’t want to deprive their animals neither recognize them as obese.
Everyone has techniques or tricks to look thinner. Dressing in black, wearing loose clothing, using layers…. All these tricks do not make them look thinner, they only hide what we do not want to show. However a healthy and balanced diet provides real results. Specific works and helps to lose weight unlike subterfuges that are illusion. 
Specific. No more cheating. 
Specific - Light pet food
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Specific - Light pet food

AD : Alexandre Tissier CR : Alejandro Cifuentes CD : Mariano Favetto Advertising campaign for Specific

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