Profil appartenant à Hayden Raikes

The Canine's Collar for Easy Exercise

This project is The Canine's Collar for Easy Exercise, or the CCEE. This collar allows dogs to get exercise while requiring minimal work for the dog's owner. Most, average sized dogs, require an hour of exercise a day. While this is not much time at all, most dogs don't make this threshold, leading to depression, frustration, and stress. This collar has an internal timer and, once the button is pressed, the timer starts and the light turns on. When the timer is up, tche light will turn off and the owner will know their pet has gotten its daily dose of exercise. 
To user test, I began by giving the device to pet owners and asking them what they think it did. Many of the users assume it was some type of tracking collar that gave insight on a dog's needs. During the user testing process, pet owners rated this a 3.4 of 5; most owners found an issue with the size of the collar. Owner's responses to their thoughts on the size varied with the size of their dogs, and three of the five users said they would rate this product a five if the wiring and breadboard was made into a circuit board with a button and LED. Users also had a difficult time locating the button to start the timer, which would be solved by a circuit board. Users communicated they enjoyed the fact that it is adaptable to many different collar sizes, and be removed when needed. Many of the users enjoyed the product for its simplicity and depth. They conveyed that it was much less intimidating than some of the other dog exercise collars out right now due to how complicated they were and the time it took to set them up. 
Video demonstration, timer set to 5 seconds:
The Canine's Collar for Easy Exercise
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The Canine's Collar for Easy Exercise

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