Mark Hammond's profile

Friends of KU Memorial Unions Display

Friends of KU Memorial Unions Display

The latest version of the display needed new life and new information as well as some flexibility in case they wanted to add or remove little pieces here and there. The existing display consists of 6 tall panels, staggered to work around architectural features of the room. 

I thought of the new display as a live, printed web site. Separate blocks were to flow together into a bigger picture of the organization. Making it work turned into a game of problem/solution. 

Problem: There are spaces for 18 blocks. How can the panels be used to support the organization?
Solution: Populate the 18 blocks with colorful flow charts describing programs and available scholarships. Panels can broadcast intentions: Leadership, Scholarship, and Programs. They can also inform students of available scholarships and where they come from. 

Problem: Panels need to be replaceable as members come and go.
Solution: Each panel is the same standardized size with the same Pantone colored grey border. Each panel works by itself, without information that will become nonsense if cropped at the standard sized borders.

Problem: The previous panels were only poster paper and warped and wiggled between the sheets of plexiglass.
Solution: Requested new poster prints were mounted to thin foam core that fit snugly between the two sheets of plexiglass.

Problem: How could it have made its own statement while working in concert with the other 2 print and plexiglass displays in the same room?
Solution: Use the same background graphics as the other two. Layer photos and data visualization graphics on top of a similar background, sometimes blending the layers.

Illustrator mockup and working file at scale
Detail of Leadership panel
Detail of ambient graphics
Detail of Programs panel
Detail of Header and callout panel
Detail of how two panels, ambient and data visualization panels work side-by-side
Completion photo of display with other display at left
Friends of KU Memorial Unions Display


Friends of KU Memorial Unions Display
