"Me. me. me. me. me.
Drip. drip. drip drip. drip.
Like liquid thick. so thick, thick.
Down to my lips. my lips. lips.
Down to my feet, so I sit. sit.
My dreams are weak. so sweet. sweet.
Weakened by day, by night, by bliss.
Too much. Too much. Let me think like this.
Tell you something sweetly and neatly, completely.
My wandering mind is tired and asks repeatedly,
What is the reason for you to try and label you're being 
Is it as simple as society grouping people so neatly
Are we repressed with regret yet there's nothin' left said.
Can we make our own rendition propelled by hopes and our ambitions
Let's just listen and listen, let's attend auditions, suspend our suspicions, dive in with the fishes.
My soul aspires to have more than desire but my human act of reaction is like a drug addict in action,
Let me reflect back to the past, when I was reborn from black ashes, black matter we have been.
Tell the truth, that's the fashion, I'll be back, we'll retract then and
and. and. and and. and."
"A Poem or Something"
Written by: Alex Filipowski
Rapid Release

Rapid Release

The concise version: ----"A Young Life Crisis"
